Tuning the body
You may know that in the last few years there has been an explosion of interest in the study of mind. In particular, there has been a blossoming of studies of consciousness, of the subjective aspects of our mental lives, of experience. Much of this work has been interdisciplinary. How could it not be? Philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, not to mention linguists, mathematicians, roboticists – and yes, artists have been getting in to the act.
What is striking is that whereas for years consciousness lacked respectability as a topic – this was the influence of behaviorism and linguistic analysis – consciousness has now become respectable again. Some of the enthusiasm for consciousness studies is driven by philosophy, by new philosophical approaches. And some of it is driven by technology. In the last decades new imaging technologies have emerged that make it possible to begin to theorize about the neural basis of experience in the brain. Before the emergence of these technologies – CAT, PET, MRI – autopsy was basically the only way to bring the brain into view.
The imaging studies raise their own problems though. Just what do these computer generated pictures tell us about the ...
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Es war eine Amour fou, die Oskar Kokoschka nie verwinden sollte. Nach der Affäre mit der Wiener Muse und Musikerin Alma Mahler ließ der expressionistische Maler eine lebensgroße Puppe von ihr anfertigen, die er sieben Jahre lang als künstliche Geliebte mit sich herumtrug. Dann, nach einer durchzechten Nacht, hackte er ihr den Kopf ab.
Alma Mahler war in gewisser...
Wenn er eins nicht gelernt hat, dann das: Problemen aus dem Weg zu gehen. Thomas Lehmen stellt sich ihnen mit masochistischer Lust. So erweist sich Lehmen lernt am Ende als ein erheiternder Exkurs in Sachen Selbsterfahrung und -findung. Zunächst entpuppt sich der Performer allerdings als Kind im Mann, immer die Rassel griffbereit. Wie eine endlose Litanei...
He is wearing just sneakers, a wig and a hat. So revealing is this tour de force solo that by the end, he may as well have stripped off his skin too. In this nearly nude state, to blasting pop music, Gutierrez proceeds to haul onstage and hook up a TV, VCR, and sound box. (Just the fact that he does this quickly in full view of a rapt audience is pretty impressive...