US. Terpsichore
Although dancing is associated worldwide with innovation, the number of dances that are worth seeing twice is diminishing as rapidly as the honeybee population. It’s as if choreographers under 30 were never themselves members of paying audiences. And so it has been up to the dancers to keep outstanding choreography going.
This year, Suki Schorer’s painstakingly researched and rehearsed production of “The Four Temperaments” by George Balanchine for the School of American Ballet Workshop was a gift to the world – and a real tribute to Lincoln Kirstein, whose birth centenary is being celebrated this year. The Barnard College production of Twyla Tharp’s early suite “Eight Jelly Rolls,” again painstakingly researched and reconstructed by former Tharp member Katie Glasner, was another gift from the Muse, as was Yuriko Kikuchi’s formidable production, for the Ailey school, of Martha Graham’s “Steps in the Street,” with an expanded cast. Bill T. Jones’ choreography for the Broadway musical “Spring Awakening” was powerful because, unusually for Jones, it was tightly disciplined as well as entirely appropriate to its subject.
In this season of Kyra Nichols’ retirement from the New York City ...
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Diskussion über kulturelle Bildung: Was ist das? Wer hat sie? Wer vermittelt sie? Wem nutzt sie, was leistet sie, wie kann man sie messen? Soll man sie messen? Braucht man sie überhaupt? Und gehört der Tanz eigentlich dazu? Landauf, landab beschäftigen sich Symposien, Tagungen, Konferenzen mit Fragen zur kulturellen Bildung. Wobei der Begriff «Bildung» typisch...
Jess Curtis is one of the Apocalyptic Devo-influenced release-based dancers who were at the forefront of the US avant-garde at the end of the last century, during that difficult decade which began when young men were dying of AIDS with no hope of a cure – and the neo-shamanist dances of his group came closest to achieving tragic gravitas in response to the deaths...
Das Ballett sei überwiegend schlecht gemanagt, sagt er und versucht im Großen, was Christoph Winkler mit seinen Berlin GoGos im Kleinen angeht: den Tänzern mehr Aufmerksamkeit und breitere Einsatzmöglichkeiten zu verschaffen. Seaquist, in den USA geboren, in Chile aufgewachsen und dort zum Tänzer ausgebildet, fand über Umwege zu seiner Bestimmung, für die der...