Lisa Spets
ZebraDans is the first Swedish theatre dedicated to dance for children and teenagers. And although Lisa Spets, founder and artistic director of ZebraDans, may not have any explicit political or aesthetic agenda, the act of setting up and running ZebraDans is pure practical (aesthetic) politics.
ZebraDans is a pun – it translates literally as “see high quality dance,” and if children do this things happen inside their heads. Some years ago I overheard a girl saying after a performance: “I didn’t understand much, but I got a lot of feelings.
” Considering the great importance of stimulating the minds of the young it is easy to understand Lisa Spets’ enthusiasm: “I love dance performances for children, nothing else makes me as happy or as full of joy and trust in the future.”
Lisa Spets founded ZebraDans in 1999. Apart from dance performances, both for schools and the general public, ZebraDans also arranges festivals and tours (national and international) and co-operates with schools. It’s a heavy workload, but Lisa Spets is driven by the conviction that children have a right to their own dance, just as they have their own literature, or as she says: “Why shouldn’t there be expression in ...
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