Laurie Uprichard
Laurie Uprichard from Danspace in Dublin is the new artistic director of International Dance Festival Ireland (IDFI). Dublin mightn’t have a frenetic dance activity, but the relatively well-supported IDFI can reward ambition, as it becomes an annual event next year. Previously, under the direction of founder Catherine Nunes, the festival managed to mix glamorous headliners with ancillary events from screen workshops to projects in prisons.
With Uprichard’s track record at Danspace there is every reason to hope for a continuation of a balanced programme that introduces audiences to international companies while nurturing local dance companies. Before she became director of Danspace in 1992, Uprichard was managing director and co-producer of Dance Theater Workshop, and it’s this career bloodline that’s responsible for the hum of expectation around her first festival next spring.
But there are challenges ahead, such as Dublin’s dearth of dance-friendly performance spaces. The premier venue remains the Abbey Theatre – host to Merce Cunningham and Mark Morris in past festivals – but it has no pit and a fan-shaped stage that pinches to 13m wide at the proscenium. Issues like this may be ...
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Die spartenübergreifende Arbeit am Theater ist mal wieder in aller Munde:
1. Weil erfolgreiche Kollegen nach langen Jahren ihre Verträge aufkündigen, da ein neuer Intendant Einsätze des Ballettensembles in Musical und Operette verlangt, oder 2. Weil immer noch manche Intendanten argumentieren, der Tanz würde die Operette zu seiner Rechtfertigung brauchen.
Susanna Leinonen is one of the most gifted Finnish choreographers today. Her poetic and yet precise motional expression creates a stark, aphoristic manner for the quartet of dancers in her piece “Trickle, Green Oak,” calling to mind the Japanese poetry known as haiku. The piece, created to the music of Mia Hämäläinen, is an exquisite combination of a variety of...
Im Gartencafé. Mir gegenüber am Tisch sehe ich Rippen, tote Knochen. Der arme Gartenstuhl mit ausgebleichten Holzlatten, ein Gerüst, das weiter unten praktisch und fast anmutig seine Beine kreuzt. Der Platz gegenüber ist leer. «Der Tod ist mitten unter uns», fällt mir unwillkürlich ein, ein Satz, unscharf wie der ganze Begriff vom «Totentanz». Mit den Jahrhunderten...