Elisabetta Terabust

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Born in Varese in 1946, Terabust trained at the Opera di Roma ballet school and became étoile at the Rome Opera House in 1972. She is the VIP 2007 of the Italian ballet world. Recently appointed director of La Scala Company, to start on 1st September 2007, she takes over from Frédéric Olivieri, who has been appointed director of the Milanese ballet school following the retirement of Anna Maria Prina.
It is the second time Terabust has taken the helm at the Scala Company.

She previously resigned from the same position after four years (1993-1997), during which she discovered and promoted such talented young dancers as Roberto Bolle and Massimo Murru. If the usual disputes with artists’ trade unions persuaded her to quit that time, we will have to wait and see if she is now able to manage – not solve, of course – the problem, while still assuring the quality of the company.
Her taste as far as repertory is concerned is linked to her professional experiences, from Bournonville (partnering Erik Bruhn) to Tetley and Milloss, having danced for many years with the former London Festival Ballet (now English National Ballet) in Great Britain, for Roland Petit, whom she often invited to ...

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Tanz Jahrbuch 2007
Rubrik: Hoffnungsträger, Seite 124
von Elisa Guzzo Vaccarino

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