Peter Trosztmer
An intelligent, committed and beautiful mover has found himself. While performing with the well-respected Montréal Danse repertory company, he had, as he calls it, “a desire to be on the decision-making team, not just a follower.” Artistic director Kathy Casey encouraged him to voice his opinions and that inevitably led him to think about how to keep working in a more creative mode, and to keep dancing as well.
These events dovetailed with his creation of a charismatic performance piece, “Synthesis as Composure.
” The premise of the acclaimed project, which premiered last year, was to invite seven choreographers – Margie Gillis, Thea Patterson, José Navas, Martin Bélanger, Victor Quijada, Sarah Febbraro and Sharon Moore – into the studio to set certain phrases or put forward certain ideas. Then Trosztmer would serve as a kind of DJ, sampling whatever information he liked, offsetting it against other material, and shifting it around as he saw fit. Rising Montreal choreographer Katie Ward loves Trosztmer’s range and virtuosity in her work, ands also applauds his ability to move from “a relaxed more natural day-to-day physicality to explore the subtleties of understated presence.”
When ...
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