Saburo Teshigawara

Saburo Teshigawara wird Professor in Tokio und will auch noch nach Newcastle. Akiko Tachiki war auf seinen Spuren

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Saburo Teshigawara, you are planning to set up an education network in Europe. What is its aim?                                                                                                        One of the interesting areas I plan to explore is the relationship of the body with images, including non-visual images such as visual memories and the imagination, as well as films, video or images on-screen. We will look at the body affected by images.

Since the wall paintings of pre-historic times, humans have been controlled by visual images and in modern days our bodies are related to images in a much more complex way. There is much to explore, such as the body in space, free from visual information, the visual body and corporeal vision – we can pursue these themes from the perspective of dance, investigating the body before any visual elements are brought in.

You are also taking up a professorship at the St Paul University in Tokyo from 2006, focusing on corporeal exploration with extensive workshops. What will this entail?                                                                                                                      My dance method is not a narrow one but one ...

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Tanz Juni 2005
Rubrik: Magazin, Seite 14
von Akiko Tachiki

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