Saburo Teshigawara


Saburo Teshigawara
Saburo Teshigawara is a mature artist at the vanguard of contemporary dance, whose work in recent years has been devoted to the search for “a new form of beauty.” His solo pieces in particular are acclaimed for their quality of dance as well as their keenly refined aesthetics, exemplified in “Bones in Pages,” blending poetic dance with symbolic visual elements, and “Absolute Zero,” which pursues pure atoms of dance through energy and speed.

Now, in his brand new solo piece, “Miroku,” Saburo Teshigawara presents a fresh new realm where he appears even more natural, liberated in sensation; his body playing with gravity and velocity, free-flowing in the air.
Inspired by Japanese poet and philosopher Taruho Inagaki’s novel whom Teshigawara has admired for many years, “Miroku” takes a minimal approach far from narrative, achieving an aesthetic eloquence in its crisp abstractness combined with poet-ic beauty. Teshigawara as a dancer artistically responds to the theme set by Taruho in the novel – the universe as “cosmic nostalgia in the present and for the future.” Though structurally simple, the artistic micro-cosmos presented here is profound and eternal, ...

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Tanz Juni 2008
Rubrik: Der Kalender, Seite 41
von Akiko Tachiki

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