Nanine Linning quits Scapino
Five years ago you were the youngest chief choreographer of any company in the Netherlands. Why do you quit your engagement with Scapino next March? After finishing school I started immediately working for Scapino Ballet: an opportunity to create work for big scale venues, with a large ensemble of highly skilled dancers and many possibilities to work with live music, commissioning composers to write music and to collaborate with visual artists, DJs, poets, light-, costume- and set-designers ...
The best conditions for somebody starting out in their career? ... or in other words, it was working in paradise for me. Being 20 at the time, I made my first works for them. But now after 5 years and 12 productions I feel it is time to change. I want to create an environment which is my own, which comes out of my creative needs, and not dealing with a given system, structure or planning. I want to work independently. Nevertheless, I have the ambition to freelance for other companies; I like working with large groups of dancers.
Why take the risk of going freelance? The political situation in ...
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The Mark Morris Dance Company has established a “second-home” relationship with Cal Performances, the arts-presenter at the University of California, Berkeley, and have just finished a 25th-anniversary residency with two weeks of dances in UC’s 2200-seat Zellerbach Hall, including a world premiere “for Susan Sontag.”
The Sontag ballet, a minor but exhilaratingly...
NOKO (NOrdiska KOreografier) is a Nordic cooperation project initiated by Frank Andersen, artistic director of the Danish Royal Ballet. The Swedish edition of NOKO is hosted by the Swedish Royal Ballet featuring choreographers Ina Christel Johannessen (Norway), Kim Brandstrup (Denmark), Susanna Leinonen (Finland) and Birgitta Egerbladh (Sweden). In “5 Is The...
Ziya Azazi, Sie sind Sufi, Sie tanzen als Derwisch. Was spüren Sie beim Tanzen? Ist es für Sie ein ekstatischer Akt?
Ja. Mit meinem Körper und Geist bin ich am Zenit und fragil zugleich. Du hast das Gefühl, es geschieht mit dir was. Du bist so offen und aufnahmefähig, dass du dir alles erlaubst, es gibt keine Kontrolle. Man ist hungrig und satt, die Augen tränen und...