Michael Flatley

He is the most successful dancer in the world today, and probably seen by far more people than you would ever dream of. And, yes, he is certainly better paid. But Celtic Tiger may be Michael Flatley’s last hurrah Says Andrew Princz

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For all of you who don’t relish the hype and hoopla of a new show from the Irish dance bonanza-king, Michael Flatley: brace yourselves. The Lord of the Dance and his well-bosomed patriotic tap-dancing chicks are back, and they are taking the stage by storm.
Perhaps his crass style might not please you, but hold your jeers, because whether you like it or not the thing that he is made of is far closer to gold than your latest ballerina princess or modern dance sensation put together. Learn from him.

He – I am sorry to disappoint you – is the most successful dancer in the world today, and probably by far seen by more people than you would ever dream of. And, yes, he is certainly better paid.
I know what you’re thinking. I venture to guess that while the average reader of this magazine may admire his sensational tap-dancing abilities, you certainly don’t even consider his aesthetic world to be worthy of conversation – let alone praise from this tasteful publication.
Let me try to challenge this notion, since I do believe that his influence is already felt. After all, it wasn’t long ago that United Kingdom “dance sensation” Akram Khan was propelled as high as new dance will take you in ...

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Tanz November 2005
Rubrik: Portrait, Seite 18
von Andrew Princz

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