Jess Curtis
Jess Curtis is one of the Apocalyptic Devo-influenced release-based dancers who were at the forefront of the US avant-garde at the end of the last century, during that difficult decade which began when young men were dying of AIDS with no hope of a cure – and the neo-shamanist dances of his group came closest to achieving tragic gravitas in response to the deaths all around us – and ended with the triumph of the dot-com money-grubbers and the election of George Bush.
Such stunning reversals of expectations bewildered most
artists; Curtis has managed best to find a way to move into the dissociated era we’re living in now without losing his feel for what preoccupies the urban intellectual most.
For a postmodernist, Curtis has always had a healthy respect for the audience and has sought to sound out theatrical wisdom in populist modes like circus and cabaret. For the last half-decade he’s lived part-time in Berlin, and has brought the dark wit and complex pathos of that city’s warehouse dance-scene to bear on the utopian aspirations of San Francisco contact improv. This year’s brilliant production, “Under the Radar,” played the near-angelic dexterity of a juggler against the strangely ...
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Jeremy Wade ist der heißeste Newcomer der Berliner Tanzszene. Der New Yorker Bessie-Award-Gewinner zog im letzten Sommer in die deutsche Hauptstadt und war bald in aller Munde. In seinem Solo «Feed», das in der Berliner tanzfabrik uraufgeführt wurde, erwies Wade sich als begnadeter Performer. Zu sehen war ein Körper, der von Triebregungen durchpulst wird – und...
An intelligent, committed and beautiful mover has found himself. While performing with the well-respected Montréal Danse repertory company, he had, as he calls it, “a desire to be on the decision-making team, not just a follower.” Artistic director Kathy Casey encouraged him to voice his opinions and that inevitably led him to think about how to keep working in a...
Die Moving Shadows um Alex Wengler: Im Frühling lud das Londoner Sadler’s Wells die österreichischen Urban Dancer zum heiß begehrten, weil hochkarätig besetzten Breakin’ Convention-Festival. Unter dem Titel « Ballett für B-Boys» schrieb der Spiegel: «Bei experimentelleren Gruppen war der Überraschungs-Faktor hingegen hoch. Die österreichische B-Boy-Gruppe Moving...