Dance is movement of the human body in time and space. With the two, time and space, I find the first to be more flexible. We can divide time in a freer way, in a more varied and complex way, and still make clear what is being done, while with space we can certainly be complex within the prescribed area, but it can look, not so much complex, as confusing.
The element that underlies both music and dance is time, which, when present in component parts, is rhythm.
As an element coordinating the two arts, it is more useful when the phrase and parts longer than the phrase are considered, rather than the small particularities of accent and even of individual quality ...
In coordinating dance and music the one should not be submerged into the other, as that would tend to make one dependent upon the other, and not independent as they naturally are. The dance and music can be brought together by time, by a particular rhythmic structure of time involving phrases, which indicate the meeting points convenient for use, thereby giving to each a freedom to expressively play with and against a common structural idea.
Plato, in the Timaeus, says, “Time is the moving image of eternity.” Time, the very ...
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ZebraDans is the first Swedish theatre dedicated to dance for children and teenagers. And although Lisa Spets, founder and artistic director of ZebraDans, may not have any explicit political or aesthetic agenda, the act of setting up and running ZebraDans is pure practical (aesthetic) politics.
ZebraDans is a pun – it translates literally as “see high quality...
«Denn das ist die Zeit, die Zahl der Bewegung in Bezug auf das Früher und Später.« In dieser klassischen Bestimmung der Zeit drückt Aristoteles (im 3. Buch seiner «Physik») zugleich die Grundlage aller Zeitmessung und eine fundamentale Einsicht des philosophischen Nachdenkens über die Zeit aus: Dass diese uns niemals «rein» als solche begegnet, sondern immer nur in...
Diskussion über kulturelle Bildung: Was ist das? Wer hat sie? Wer vermittelt sie? Wem nutzt sie, was leistet sie, wie kann man sie messen? Soll man sie messen? Braucht man sie überhaupt? Und gehört der Tanz eigentlich dazu? Landauf, landab beschäftigen sich Symposien, Tagungen, Konferenzen mit Fragen zur kulturellen Bildung. Wobei der Begriff «Bildung» typisch...