Celebrities: Johannes Öhman
Johannes Öhman has been chosen in a unanimous decision by the directors and ballet company of the Göteborgs-Operan to be their new ballet director from the season 2007/2008. Öhman, who has twenty years of experience as a dancer, is presently principal soloist at the Royal Ballet and performing the role of the Widow Simone in “La fille mal gardée”. Alongside his engagement as a soloist, he has worked as artistic director for the touring company Stockholm 59° North since 2002. In this capacity, he has engaged – mainly Swedish – choreographers to create pieces for the company.
This is something he wishes to continue to do as director of the GöteborgsOperans Ballet. He also hopes to be able to take the GöteborgsOperans Ballet on tour. However, he has not yet had time to devise any concrete plans for his future with the company. Lena Andrén
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As the performance opened, the frail figure of Higginbotham was slumped in a beach chair in what looked more like a gravel-pit than an exotic beach, in spite of the artificial sunshine and fluffy clouds. Her movements as well as her monologues held the essence of the performance. One of the most memorable monologues was her naming of personal belongings, her voice...
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Angelin Preljocaj,
bei den Ruhrfestspielen Recklinghausen gastieren Sie in diesem Jahr nicht nur mit ein paar Ihrer erfolgreichen Stücke, sondern mit einer Uraufführung. Eine Auftragsarbeit von Karlheinz Stockhausen. Ich habe vor ein paar Jahren sein «Helikopter-Streichquartett» interpretiert. Vier Jahre später schrieb er mir einen Brief, in dem er mich in sein...