Ido Tadmor

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Controversy seems to follow all the career choices of brilliant dancer Ido Tadmor. He started dancing in his early twenties, when his openness about his sexuality was groundbreaking and made life easier for many who followed, though frequent usage of his naked body as an expressive tool didn’t quite catch on locally.
In the last couple of years he has become a household name in Israel, thanks to appearances on TV, in film, and in the gossip columns, and particularly owing to his role as authority on dance in the popular TV show “Born to Dance.

” He has neglected his company lately in favour of working off his overdraft. Some think he has sold out. Most of them would switch places with him in an instant, commercials and all.
Seventeen years ago, when Ohad Naharin became artistic director of Batsheva, some of the dancers didn’t see their future with the company anymore. Naharin was looking for a certain potential, not dancers who already had their style. One of them, Ido Tadmor, left Batsheva in the early 90s and joined Lar Lubovitch’s company as a soloist. His short career abroad ended after he suffered serious injuries performing on the stage of the Lincoln Center.
He came back to ...

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Tanz Jahrbuch 2007
Rubrik: Hoffnungsträger, Seite 125
von Ora Brafman

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