Martin Harvey
I am no xenophobe. The roster of non-British dancers that dominates the upper echelons of the Royal Ballet causes me no heart-ache whatsoever. However, my choice of Martin Harvey recognises a remarkable phenomenon: the phoenix-like resurgence of the British tradition of great dance actors, which he currently spearheads. The clarion call sounded this season when he performed the title role in Cranko’s “Onegin” and the tragic Crown Prince Rudolf in Kenneth MacMillan’s “Mayerling.
His Onegin is in a class of its own because he captures the character’s complexities and contradictions without exaggeration in a role that is notoriously difficult to cast. His Rudolf,
likewise, eschews overheated playing and presents a believable, fallible man, not the house-trained psychopath we sometimes see. Harvey is not a ham actor. He leaves the eye-rolling and silent movie excesses to others. A strong partner, with a handsome face and powerful physique, he never appears to waste energy beyond the intrinsic needs of the choreography and has a supremely confident stage presence. His leading roles have included Mercutio, Colas and Lescaut; the demi-caractère terrain of Ashton and MacMillan, the ...
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Jess Curtis is one of the Apocalyptic Devo-influenced release-based dancers who were at the forefront of the US avant-garde at the end of the last century, during that difficult decade which began when young men were dying of AIDS with no hope of a cure – and the neo-shamanist dances of his group came closest to achieving tragic gravitas in response to the deaths...
His work “Uprising” is a powerful piece for seven men. All-male dances can be a tricky choice: too camp, too symbolic, too macho, too predictable, too boring. Shechter presented a “revolution” done by men looking sexy, making a post-modernist aesthetic statement – and a highly enjoyable one. Furthermore, despite references to the physicality and speed of Ohad...
Wir treffen uns in einem Café, das in der Wiener Kulturszene nicht unbedingt als schick gilt. Dort gibt es einen Tisch, an dem man gut im Raum integriert, aber doch geschützt und für sich sitzt. Zufallsbegegnungen und die daraus resultierenden Ablenkungen sind unwahrscheinlich. Gut so. Wir haben beide nur wenig Zeit.
Im Kaffeehaus wurden einst ganze Tage verbracht....